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Software Development

getting started


1. Get Excited! To get started with your software project, get excited! Building software is fun. You are creating something that has never been built before in the way you want to build it. […]

pros, cons, custom-built software


Because of the time and capital investment, custom-built software isn’t right for everyone. If you are considering a custom-built software application but are on the fence, this article is for you. We have listed below the […]

role, expected, product owner


As the software product owner, you are the most important person of the project.  You give the vision, the details of what the software needs to do, the direction on how the software should look, and the […]

protect, idea, security


“How do I protect my software idea” is a question that we frequently get asked by our software development clients.  It is understandable that before you make an investment of your time and money […]

Charts on a Mac monitor


Proactively managing software costs is understandably a big priority when you are launching a software project. Below are eight recommendations on how you can save money and reduce costs when building software. 1. Create […]

software estimates


It’s a horrible feeling to realize any project cost is more than you expected. Once you get over the unexpected news, it’s time to get down to work and get the project back on […]

local, atlanta


With the extensive availability of the internet and remote collaboration tools like Slack and Google Hangouts, you can work with a software development team anywhere in the world. With that being said, here are […]

custom software, cost, software


In this article, we will tackle one of the first questions we get asked by our customers. How much does custom software cost to build? It is a tough question to answer for anyone in the industry, […]

mobile, value, advantages


For a business, building a custom software solution will require a commitment of people, time and money. If you need software, you may be deciding between buying and customizing a software product or building […]

failing project


There are many ways a software project can go awry. Although it is extremely frustrating when you find yourself in that situation, you will need more than a rear-view perspective to get the project […]