Six Things To Consider Before Your Next Technical Interview
By Ellen Jones
Technical interviews can be intimidating and, regardless of experience level, they always pose a challenge. From seasoned developers to newly minted code school graduates – no one is immune from the stressors associated with this process.
Strategy is key, and there are numerous ways you can prepare so that you’ll nail your next technical interview. We’ve asked tech experts from across the industry for their insights on technical interviewing. The following points contain their advice, which will help you clear the hurdles between you and your dream job.
What To Consider Before Your Next Technical Interview
1. Tech Basics
If you’re interviewing for a specific language, make sure you know its basic structures. (And be prepared to demonstrate general language knowledge if there’s not a specific one listed for the interview.) Arrays, linked lists, stacks/queues and “Big O” values are essential knowledge, and you should be ready to discuss real-world situations where you’d use each one.
Prep Interview Tips:
- Brush up on specific frameworks and know the pros/cons of languages the position requires.
- Review data structures, algorithms and design patterns, and know how they translate between all languages.
2. Coding
Expect to provide some code or to actually code something. Ideally, you’d code with the interviewer observing. If this is the case, they’re likely to be more interested in your thoughts than the code itself, so make sure to talk through your process.
Prep Interview Tip:
Practice this scenario ahead of time. Knowing how to code and being able to do it — and discuss it — under pressure are two different things.
3. Problem-solving
Be prepared to perform problem-solving exercises. The best way to calm any fears about being on the spot is to do it over and over. So, go into your basement and dust off that whiteboard. Add some pressure by timing yourself. You might even consider inviting friends over to watch your every move. After a while, solving complicated problems with an audience will seem like a breeze!
Prep Interview Tips:
- Think through complex engineering and business problems you can address through technology and custom coding patterns
- Expect recruiters to let you know if an at-home or live coding test will be required. Prepare for such tests by spending time solving puzzles like this Parking deck problem. Search sites like Hacker Rank, CodingGame and Codility for other test samples.
4. Job History
Be prepared to tell the story of your career successes and failures. Be concise, but include relevant details with your examples (when, where, what, how, etc.). Talk about the benefits your accomplishments brought to former employers and what you learned when things didn’t go so smoothly.
Prep Interview Tips:
- Review your resume. If you’ve listed a tool or technology, go beyond defining WHAT that item is. Talk about HOW you used it. And, although it can be tempting to list lots of items, if you haven’t actually used them extensively, leave them off your resume.
5. Communication
Remember, the interviewer wants you to succeed, so view the exchange as a conversation, not an interrogation. Try to be friendly and open without being overly talkative. You can generally get a pretty quick read on the interviewer, so try to match their conversation style so as to show them you’re listening and put them at ease.
Prep Interview Tips:
- Let your personality shine through. You’ve had a conversation about the awesome things the company is working on and why you want to be a part of it. You’ve shown you’re quick on your feet and capable of solving problems like a pro. Now, it’s time to show your interviewer you can work in a team setting and communicate with others effectively.
- Don’t be afraid to smile or laugh. Letting your personality shine through will help ease any tension you — and maybe even your interviewer — are feeling.
6. Know The Company
Make sure you do your research on the company before heading into the interview room. Most interviewers assume you know enough about their place of work to talk about it and what’s drawn you there. Knowing something about the organization will show the interviewer you’re genuinely interested in the work and that you’d likely be a long-term employee.
Prep Interview Tips:
In your research process, focus on the following:
- Mission Statement
- Clients
- Previous Work
- Accolades
Nailing Your Technical Interview
Interviewing is a stressful, difficult process for many people. So, if you’re jittery, know you’re not alone. Educate and prepare yourself as much as you can, and you’ll go into your interview with confidence and the knowledge that you’re giving it your all.
Remember, there are many factors that go into hiring. If you feel like an interview went well but you don’t end up with the position, don’t automatically assume the outcome is directly tied to the interview. Moving forward, don’t aim for perfection: Instead, think of each interview as a training session. Use each mistake or success as a building block in the foundation that will make you an excellent interviewee.
If you’re in the tech space and you’re looking for new opportunities, check out SOLTECH’s open positions.
Ellen Jones
Director of Staffing SolutionsEllen Jones is the Director of Staffing Solutions at SOLTECH, Atlanta’s award winning software development and IT staffing firm. With a decade of diverse Account Management experience, she has expertise in project management, resource improvement consulting, and strategic discussions with key stakeholders.
Since joining SOLTECH in 2019, she has focused on building partnerships with software engineers and connecting business clients with top-tier talent for their success. Ellen’s expertise and experience in Account Management, project management, and resource optimization enable her to deliver innovative staffing solutions to SOLTECH’s clients. Her comprehensive understanding of the IT staffing industry allows her to write insightful articles on topics related to career advancement and talent acquisition. She shares her knowledge and industry insights through her writings, providing valuable guidance to professionals and organizations seeking to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of software development and IT staffing.