The Next Big Idea
Did you watch the news last week as extreme athlete, Felix Baumgartner, jumped off the edge of space from 127,000 feet? It was such a daring and dramatic feat – one that took years to plan and execute. It was his “Big Idea!”
In his attempt to complete the highest sky-dive on record, Baumgartner jumped 24 miles to the Earth from a helium balloon in the stratosphere. On his way down, he set altitude records for highest manned balloon flight and highest parachute jump, as well as a record for the greatest free fall velocity. This jump made him the first human to break the sound barrier outside of a vehicle. What an amazing feat!
Can you imagine the years of planning, sleepless nights and numerous failed design attempts that went into this event that lasted only 4 minutes and 20 seconds? I bet he dreamed of this idea since his childhood. He took his big idea and turned it into a record-breaking and incredibly successful reality.
So, – what is your big idea?
Surely, you’ve had an ah-ha moment, when a light bulb goes off in your head at three in the morning. You scamper to find a piece of paper to jot down some notes so you won’t forget your amazing idea. You may have just created the next big brilliant startup or designed an innovative and cutting-edge technology for your existing business that will make you rich!
The question is – can you turn your big idea into a reality like Felix Baumgarnter did?
Here at SOLTECH, it is our job to help you visualize your idea and take it from concept to reality. Creating outside-the-box competitive business solutions is what we love about our business! Our clients consist of entrepreneurs with ground breaking technology concepts and Fortune 500 companies looking to leverage technology to stay ahead of the competition. Our talented team of Solution Architects, Project Managers and Developers help transform your ah-ha moments into the “Next Big Idea!”
Contact us about your brilliant idea and we will create an expert solution to turn it into a reality.
Image Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center