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Where do you develop the software?

Our Development Center

When you partner with SOLTECH to develop a software project, all the work is performed in our Atlanta, GA development center located at 950 East Paces Ferry NE in Buckhead.

Our office space was designed to help project teams collaborate and have a variety of creative spaces to gather and work.  There are fixed and movable whiteboards all throughout the office and there are several meeting rooms with large TVs to review projects with our clients.

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Projects are developed using our full-time employees.  Our team is staffed to cover a wide range technology needs such as

  • .Net
  • Java
  • Objective C and Swift
  • Zamarin
  • PhoneGap
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • A wide range of Javascript libraries

On rare occasion, we will use contractors for specialized skill sets, but even in those situations, the contractors will perform the work out of our office.

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We also welcome our clients to visit us anytime, and are happy to find you a place to do your own work while you are with us.

If you are considering a custom software project and think we might be a good fit for you, stop by and visit us. You can schedule your visit by filling out the form on this article or by giving us at call at 404 601 6000.

The Checklist For Sharing Your Software Vision

Before you get started in developing your software app, your thoughts and ideas should be clarified and written down so they can be consistently and easily shared and understood. To help you get started on the right foot, we have created a checklist.

You can grab a copy of that checklist below and share it with your team!

software checklist

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