SOLTECH Spotlight: Taylor Martin, Interface Engineer
Taylor Martin is a homegrown SOLTECHIE, hailing from Alpharetta, our neighbors to the north. Taylor attended the University of Georgia, and has been at SOLTECH for nearly a year, and he’s already established himself as an essential part of our team. When he’s not beautifying apps, he’s usually outside or playing his guitar — or playing his guitar outside.
Introducing Taylor Martin…
How would you explain what you do at SOLTECH to a child?
I’m responsible for the way a website looks and feels. Someone gives me a picture of the different pages on a website and explains how everything should work and how it should look. I then go and build that for them. I also help the person who does this by suggesting ways the site could function better or look better. If there is a reason something they want can’t be done, I tell them about that as well. I also work with the people responsible for all the information on a website to make sure everything you need to know is there when you get to the site.
What is your most treasured possession?
My first guitar, I’ve had it since I was 10 years old. It has taken a beating, the top frets are worn out, and it’s covered in stickers, but it means the world to me. Music has always been my biggest passion and that guitar sort of represents that for me.
As a designer, how do you feel about Comic Sans?
There’s a time and a place for everything.
What do you value most in your job at SOLTECH?
That I like and am interested in what I’m doing, and enjoying the people I work with. At this point in my career, I’m also always thinking about opportunities for growth, technical and nontechnical.
What is your favorite app?
Not sure, other than the obvious apps like messages and phone, I use Spotify a lot. Spotify is probably my favorite.
Pizza or tacos?
Pizza for sure, I love me some pizza. Especially Mellow Mushroom!