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Software Development


As customers interact with your company across multiple channels and traditional decision paths diverge to become increasingly more specific to the buyer, your business needs a way to keep ahead of these changes and […]


We, at SOLTECH, understand that the process of developing software has many challenges. Requirement gathering, meeting promised budget and time constraints, navigating unfamiliar business processes, building a team to produce a specific product, the […]


This is a question that some of our clients have been asking more and more lately. Here, at SOLTECH, 2018 has been a very busy year helping those very clients achieve ADA compliance and […]

Software Development: Time And Materials Vs. Fixed Fee

Getting started with a software idea can be exciting. You have come up with something that you feel could benefit others somehow. Or at least they would find enjoyment in it. This software could […]


It is true that one of the major problems with building web or mobile apps is software projects taking longer than planned. What slows down a software project? In this article, we take an […]


Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, is a product management concept that works great when bringing a new product to market. The essence of MVP is to deliver the bare minimum functionality that will accomplish […]


Custom software takes an investment of both time and financial resources. If you have decided to outsource your project to a software development firm, rather than an in-house development team, it is important to […]

software development buzzwords, contract, agreement

At SOLTECH, we meet with many clients and discuss numerous projects. While several of the clients we interact with come from a technical background, we know not everyone is familiar with the lingo used […]

bad software

When you buy a house, you can start out by driving through neighborhoods that appeal to you, and compare what you see to the asking prices of the homes for sale. With this information, […]


When you are looking to contract or hire a software developer there are many options ahead of you. From the type of developer to where to find them, this article guides you through what […]